Tuesday, 25 October 2016

3M with the Bees on Autumn Grounds Day

3M were very busy during our Autumn Grounds Day!  We had the wonderful opportunity of visiting our very own bee hives, with a Bee Keeper.  Not only did we visit the apiary, but we actually got the chance to dress in our very own bee suits and study the hives.  We were so intrigued by our bees, that we wanted to find out more about these incredible creatures. 

Kitting up to study the bees

We learned about how to write effective instructions to explain how to observe our bees and we started to research about these insects to answer our enquiry question, 'Why do we need bees?'
We learned that there are far more to bees meets the eye.  Without these creatures, not only would there be far fewer wild flowers and plants, but the world’s food production would also change radically.  Certain foods, such as almonds, blueberries and tomatoes, rely solely on bees for pollination and a world without tomato pizza would be a very sad place!
During October of this year, America placed bees on the Endangered Species list for the first time ever, which saddened us deeply.  Many of us didn’t realise just how important bees are to our world and if we don’t act now, our world will be a far less colourful place to live.
Ready to enter the apiary



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