Thursday, 2 April 2015

Easter Eggs

We have had a wonderful term with our Wicor Chickens and all the classes
have now had a turn to look after them. 
They have coped with wind, rain and very icy weather, and the other day I watched them all lined up, basking in the hot sunshine!
They are so happy that for the last three weeks they have ALL laid an egg every day, so do the maths....
That's a lot of eggs!
Some of the Year 3 children have been finding out how to 'blow' an egg, to get the insides out and decorate them.
 First, Mrs Coles made a hole in
                               both ends with a sharp needle.                                
We then had lots of fun blowing the albumen ('white part') out through the hole..........

                                 .................. followed by the yolk ('yellow part').
                                                                    It was yucky!

Mrs Kimber had a go, too.
When we had washed and dried them, we had a good time designing and doing our decorations, threading a line through to hang them from, and adding jewels at each end to stop up the holes.....and make them look lovely.
Izzy, Ruby, Ellie and Blossom were very proud of the results!

Happy Easter everyone, enjoy your Easter Eggs, and have a go at 'blowing' one.
In case you're wondering, the hens will have a great time while everyone's on holiday
being looked after by:
Mrs Pattison, Mrs Knight, Mrs Williams, Mrs Hurst and Mrs Coles.
Thank you, ladies!


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The Solar Eclipse

The date; 20th March
The time: 9.30 am
The place: Wicor Primary
The event:  Solar eclipse

We waited for the cloudy sky to clear, for just a tiny glimpse of the Sun.  Nothing but clouds.
The time came and the sky darkened.  The birds stopped singing...even our hens went quiet - they seemed strangely subdued.  It was Class 5M's turn to look after the hens and check on their eggs.

Meanwhile back in Year 3, Mr Wildman was explaining the strange things that sometimes happen during a solar know, like birds laying strange coloured eggs.

Lunchtime:  Class 5M look in on hens and see if there are any eggs...
Look what they found...

There were 9 eggs (but they usually lay 8) and one of them was...GOLD!  The eclipse had worked its magic.  The hens had laid a golden egg.  
No, it's definitely a golden egg 
Let's seek the wisdom of Mr Wildman. 
But he's usually asleep in Darwin's chair at this time.
No we must wake him.
Yes, it's a golden egg - the eclipse has affected one of the hens 
"I was only talking to Year 3 about this strange phenomenon.  Go and show them, they'll be amazed."

Look, Year 3...a golden egg