Thursday, 6 November 2014

1N with the hens

We have loved looking after the hens this week. Lots of us have hens at home so we are very knowledgeable.

Every day we have given the hens new food and water. We were really good at keeping the path clean and we found lots of eggs.

Just like 3N we found a ginormous egg...

 ...and when we cracked it open it had 2 yolks!

We weren't sure why it had 2 yolks but we thought it might be that if the egg was fertilised and hatched then twin chicks would come out. If you know the answer then please do let us know.

The hens have had lots of treats from us this week.  We made small parcels filled with seed. The hens had to figure out how to open the parcels to get to the seed which they managed very quickly.
As it was Halloween last week we gave the hens a pumpkin and after just one day this what we found...
It had been completely scoffed!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Half Term for the Hens

This was the first half term for our hens and they were in for a quiet week. There were no children in school to pop over and chat to them, so they had to make do with visits from a few willing grownups!

Well that's what we thought, until Monday morning, when workmen arrived to do things around the school and proved to be very interested in the chickens.
They came over and talked to them and chatted to school staff, with helpful advice and ideas. 

Mrs Knight, Mrs Hurst, Miss Neale, Mrs Pattison and Mrs Coles all came in to see them and made sure they had plenty of food and water. Water was no problem, it seemed to rain a lot last week!

We discovered that the hens quite like going out in the rain. They all got soaked through several times and looked very bedraggled, but when the rain was really heavy, they huddled together under a bush. When the sun came out they lined up, with their backs to the sun, drying their fluffy backsides out!

On Wednesday morning, Mrs Coles found a really tiny egg (smaller than a golf ball) in amongst the ordinary sized ones. When it was opened there was no yolk!
We had fun at night when putting the hens to bed as the clocks went back on Sunday. We wondered if the hens would mind going to bed an hour earlier.
But it didn't matter, they like to be inside when it gets dark, so trooped happily into their lovely henhouse at dusk.